WELCOME to the home page of the Church Musicians of the Archdiocesan District!
This is the home page of the Federation of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians of the Direct Archdiocesan District. The Federation is comprised of senior and youth choir members and directors, organists and all who chant within the Archdiocesan District.
The purpose of our Federation is to bring together all the church musicians of the Federation in order to encourage communication and fellowship among its members, to promote and encourage the study, development, publication and performance of Greek Orthodox sacred music, to foster a high standard of singing and choral music among the choirs in the Federation, to provide lectures, workshops and conferences of Greek Orthodox church music and any other aspect of music needed to improve the musical education of the Federation members, to promote the development of choir directors, organists, singers and chanters, and to provide spiritual uplifting for the faithful during the Divine Liturgy and any other Greek Orthodox service in which we may serve.
’Lord, bless our music that it may glorify Your Name.
May using it to serve You always be our aim.’
Click here to pay your 2024 choir and individual dues
Click Here to Download the new Federation Focus 2023 Year-in-Review 2023 Edition
Our 2024 Annual Vasilopita and Council Meeting was held Saturday, January 27th at the Cathedral in NYC. (original plans for Saint Michael’s fell through due to Covid concerns) It was great to reconnect, enjoy some fellowship, and have a productive meeting.
In honor of the man who founded our federation- a man of great integrity who loved the church and was a champion of the music, dedicated to the faith, and supporting many through the faith, music, and mentorship-
We are pleased to announce, in a unanimous vote, the Jeffrey Economou Church Music Grant to support choirs in the AD Federation.
2024-25 Board received its Affirmation of Office. We are looking forward to 2024 being a wonderful year!
Save the date:
Our June council meeting June 8th 12-:30-2:30 pm at Saint Michael’s.
We look forward to seeing all of you there.
Congratulations to Cindy Ziemnicki (top row left center) of Assumption Church in Danbury on receiving the coin at our Vasilopita-Council Meeting on January 27th! Cindy is the newest Senior Choir Director in the AD Federation. How fitting she received the coin! May your blessings be abundant this year!
Our 38th Annual Church Music Conference was held Friday - Sunday, November 3-5,2023.
Many thanks to the Kimisis Tis Theotoku/Panaghia Greek Orthodox Church in Island Park, NY!
To view the video of the Divine Liturgy, click here.
Latest News
CMI: Shaping the Psaltria: Reflections of a Female Cantor
Click Here To Register for the CMI: Shaping the Psaltria with Photini Downie Robinson Sunday October 22nd, 4PM Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity 319 E
2023 38th Annual Conference
Our 38th Annual Church Music Conference will be held Friday - Sunday, November 3-5, 2023 at Kimisis Tis Theotokou/Panaghia Greek Orthodox Church. This marks our first-ever conference in this beautiful location. One of the highlights of our conference will be the premiere of the Divine Liturgy arrangement by Dawn Helene, under the baton of our guest conductor, Hilary Baboukis. We are honored to have with us Dr. Alexander Lingas, the renowned music director and founder of Cappella Romana, who played a pivotal role in the Byzantine music during King Charles' coronation. Dr. Lingas will be enlightening us with a workshop and Q&A session on "Choral Music in the Greek Orthodox Church". Further enriching our lineup, Fr. George Kazoulis, Proistamenos of the community, will delve into "Enriching our faith through music". For our younger attendees, we have the "Voices of the Future" workshop led by participants from our vibrant youth music ministries. Dawn Helene will provide the keynote, "A Composer's View: Preserving Greek Orthodox Musical Traditions". Join us for a night of entertainment and camaraderie on Saturday evening 11/4 with "From Athens to Broadway", a cabaret night filled with live music and a sumptuous dinner. The proceeds from this event will go towards the Demetrios E. Pappas Federation Scholarship, supporting the next generation of church musicians.
2023 Vasilopita Council Meeting
Join us for our Vasilopita Council Meeting Saturday, January 28, 2023 at 1:30 pm. St. Paraskevi Greek Orthodox Shrine Church, Greenlawn NY. Discussion concering our grants, logo, and 28th Annual Church Music Conference.
37th Annual Church Music Conference October 28-30, 2022
Our 37th Annual Church Music Conference will be held Friday - Sunday, October 28 - 30, 2022 at the Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in New York City, commemorating the Centennial of the Archdiocese.This will be an exciting Conference with Kristen Bruskas directing our Conference Choir, featuring the Divine Liturgy by Dr. Theodore Bogdanos and the Doxology by Dawn Helene, and a Church Music Institute conducted by GRAMMY®-nominated conductor and composer Benedict Sheehan! In addition to our Annual Meeting, rehearsals, awards & recognition, there will be a Dinner Dance on Saturday night 10/29, hosted by DJ Bobby Karounos! Music will be available for purchase at rehearsal on September 17th, at the Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, from 2-5PM. A full rehearsal schedule is forthcoming.
June 25th Council Meeting and centennial Divine Liturgy Rehearsal
On Saturday June 25, 2022 we had our June council meeting, followed by rehearsal for the historic centennial Divine Liturgy on Sunday July 3rd.
July 3rd: Centennial Liturgy & July 6th: "The Centennial Concert: from Byzantium to America"
Sunday July 3rd, the Divine Liturgy will be held at the Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity. On Wednesday July 6th, we will be participating in "The Centennial Concert: from Byzantium to America", which we will perform in conjunction with the Archdiocesan School of Byzantine Music and along with members from throughout the National Forum. Be sure to watch your emails for important dates and updates!
March 2022 Music Symposium
Music Symposium-Saturday, March 19, 2022, 2:30 - 4:30 pm at Holy Trinity Cathedral, 319 East 74th Street, New York, NY 10021
Music and Refreshments will be provided